Recently some of my friends had been telling me how unique Kipling bags and Le SportSac bags are. So I went to check them out, and YES, I simply fell in love with these two brands. they are unique, and "young", nothing like the boring old leather bag.
Unfortunately, the prices here are RIDICULOUSLY high!! Well, I suppose if you're earning 1000 pounds a month, a 90f bag is no big deal. But convert it to M'sian ringgit, the bag becomes a whopping 630$$$!! So, yeah, I was disappointed when I stepped into a LeSports shop and a Kippling store to find most products 250 and above. That's not very affordable when I don't earn too much.
Well, somebody told me I might find an imitation if I went to Petaling Street, which is a little ChinaTown in Kuala Lumpur. A street (very very long street) packed with stalls after stalls of imitation stuff! So me, hubby and sis in law, decided upon a trip to the street. We parked all our kids at my mum's and set off on a Tues night, thinking it wouldn't be so crowded. I was WRONG! It was so packed, the lanes were so narrow, I found myself being bumped left and right while tourists walked past me by the hundreds! I had my camera but I couldn't take very nice shots, simply coz I'm not as tall as all the tourists there. Well, I'm a mere 5' 2 and the tourists mainly from Europe are TALL. Anyway, after one hour, I couldn't find any Kiplings, but LOTS of LeSportSac of VERY BAD quality!
My husband the "thick-faced" haggler stood by me everytime I thought I was interested in something. You really have to haggle there. I saw many a tourist being cheated out of their pockets. Some of the sellers are nice, some are really RUDE and they talk like they're gonna kill you when you try to bargain for a lower price. So it's good to go with someone who's not easily intimidated (like my husband). haha..
A collage of some of the shots I took on Petaling Street.
A stall selling delicous charcoal grilled chestnuts
WANNA Come shop here at Petaling Street? imitation Nikes, Adidas, perfumes, wallets. You name it they have it!