Friday, May 15, 2009

compulsive liar? i hope not.

Just didn't feel like doing anything last night. Jo (now 3+ yrs old) however, wanted to play and kept asking "what do you want to do mum?" I kept replying "nothing."
Finally, thouroughly fed up with my answer, she took a deep breath and said very sternly

"Why don't you want to do anything? All you want to do is nothing....if all you want to do is nothing..then I am going to do something and you can do your nothing while I do something!"

And mind you, she said it all in one big breath. hahahaha.....

on a walk with Jo yesterday we came across some very big roots. I asked her "Jo, what do roots do?" without hesitation she replied "roots for for tripping people!" hahaha...

now on a serious matter...Jo's been telling lies quiet a bit lately. I'm trying my best to deal with it..but she keeps at it. Yesterday for instance 3 big lies.

No.1) she was building blocks and showed me her creation. I told her it was lovely and left the room. Several minutes later, I heard a loud moan and she said "it broke, mum, it broke!!" I entered the room and the blocks were broken apart. I asked her "how did it break?"
she replied "it fell off the bed."
"How did it fall off the bed Jo?"
Jo said, "well, the bed was wiggling and so the blocks fell off."
" were you jumping on the bed to make it wiggle?"
"No mum, I didn't jump on the bed, it wiggled by itself. "
"bed can't wiggle by itself, tell teh truth!"
"ok,ok" said Jo. "The blanket was wobbling coz the wind blew it, and it made the bed wiggle and.."
"Jo, I think your nose is growing longer...."
Jo touched her nose and asked "Like Pinocchio's?"
I nodded.
"ok mum, the truth is I took the blocks apart"

She she took it apart and pretended to moan! I can't believe it!

me: "Jo, go to the toilet, we have to go out soon, and I won't use the dirty public toilets."
Jo: "ok mum" and she went off to the toilet. She was in there about 30 seconds and came out.
Me: "so quickly jo? did you flush?"
Jo: "oh, I forgot."
Me:" let's go flush."

we went to the toilet and I noticed that we water in the toilet bowl was crystal clear, not a drop of pee. so I said sternly "Jo, did you shee-shee (pee) ?? tell me the truth."
Jo looked at me sheepishly and replied "errm...actually I didn't." So I made her pee there and then. *sigh*

no.3. Jo: "mum, I need tissue.
Me: why?
Jo: nothing
me: tell the truth
jo: ok,ok, I spilled some water
Me: where did you get the water? where is the cup?
Jo: umm....missing
Me: ok, now tell me what you spilled??? (I already knew it was glue, but wanted her to say it for herself.)
Jo: ummmm...ok,ok, I spilled glue

There's a whole lot more ... I'm trying to praise her when she tells the truth. I've told her the story of the boy who cried wolf, and tried several other methods. but it's not working yet. Any tips???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my little messenger

we mothers/fathers sometimes use our children as messengers, and i did just that yesterday. hubby works late and I wondered if he'd be willing to go for a run at the field.

So I told Jo to call her dad and told her to say "dad, please come back by 7 so you can go run wit mummy. It is not safe for women to run alone. If you don't come, mummy will be running alone among the strange men."

I then dialled the phone and asked Jo to talk. Here's what she said to her daddy ", you must come home by 7 to run with mummy. There are many robbers you know, bad robbers. Dad, you Better come home, or mummy will RUN AWAY with the men!!"Smile

I thought that was so hilarious. hahaha..

Nel....she's been so busy with school work and homework she hardly gets to do anything else. She's lost weight too. Here's what she misses now she's at school..
she misses....evening walks,
.......cycling to the park,
....... visits to the library
... playing in the stream
......splashing in puddles after the rain
.... walking the dog..... She is missing out on so much, coz the school keeps giving MORE AND MORE AND MORE homework!!!

These 2 weeks it's exam time. You'd think teachers would give homework a break so the child can do revision, but NO. Last night she had so much homework she only slept at midnight! I get so frustrated. *sigh*