Thursday, May 13, 2010

Woke this morning, did some dishes left over from last night...and the whole sink got clogged up AGAIN! Got fed up, left dishes in sink and walked away.

Had to get ready for other things. Went up, took a quick shower.
While returning to the kitchen, I heard the sound "SlosH ! SlosH! Slosh!." Wondering what the heck it was, I rushed in to see my Nel, pumping the sink hard with a plunger. hahahaha...oh my, well, that tough little girl UNCLOGGED my sink! Amazing she is! :)

Anyways, in terms of learning...we're into studying continents of the world and body organs. Recently finished an intro to the solar system. not bad. :)

As for Jo.. the little fella woke up this morning and her first thoughts were "Mum, you know what's disgusting?"
I replied "no, what is?"
Jo said seriously "mum, brides are disgusting!"
Surprised, I asked "why???"
she replied "well, because they kiss their husband's mouth on the wedding day, and all the germs from the husband's mouth crawls into the bride's mouth. Disgusting." LoL..oh well...gonna ciao. has been a long day of work. Will rest now, and hope to catch some badminton.

1 comment:

  1. Your children are a delight! Wish I could get to know them.
