Thursday, August 27, 2009

Of late, the pain in my neck, and back seems worse. I also get these tension headaches almost everyday, and sleep is often disturbed. I've seen a rheumatologist and orthopaedic, and they all say nothing's wrong. So there's nothing wrong? but the pain in my body persists.

I'm now seeing a chiropractor. So far, he's hardly done any chiropractor stuff. What he does is dry needling and trigger point massage.
Dry needling hurts, for me at least. It feels like a needle inserted into a nerve causing a painful sensation. So far, it's been 4 sessions. He says, it'll take a while before I feel any relief, since my pain is rather chronic. Let's pray and hope it will bring relief, coz I'm sick of the pain, really sick of it.
I know, I hardly write like this....I guess, I've come to the limit of what I can bear. I feel tired most days.

Putting that aside, today I taught at the refugee center. What can I say, their struggles are far more than what I've ever endured. Stuck in between nowhere, no legal status, fear of being caught and tortured.... life is certainly not fair for them. For those who've gotten UN approval to go on to new countries, I rejoice with them. For those who are still stuck here.... I pray for them. The children are such eager learners....they absorb stuff like sponges. What a joy to teach them. :)

I hear there is another group nearby. They've requested for help, many children there, and they don't even have food somedays....

Perhaps...if you know some refugee centers near you, you could do something to help. My life is kinda interesting at this point, I still lecture at the university on some days, I have some private students, and then I spend half of the hours teaching orphans and refugees.

As for my children, they come with me when I teach. I think it's good for them. They observe what I do. When we eat with them (the refugees), my children help to serve food to these less fortunate children. Truly it is more blessed to give then to receive.

end of post. I know....mostly rambling. Will end here...raining lovely :)


  1. Sorry to hear you having pain in your body, you might have too much tensity your head(busy life)
    I have bad back for nine month and
    still not right ...mine is an old age but yours is difference.

    You seems a good teacher that person likes you from your heart to help them they were fortunately
    having you as teacher.
    Hope you get better soon.

  2. hello dear friend .I just read the last comment on my site and left one on your old one before realising you had 'moved'.I am so sorry to hear that you are in such pain ..praying that by now you are much improved .
    The work with refugees sounds a wonderful way for your girls to learn to share ,praying our Lord continues to bles all that you do in His name .
    every blessing ,sandra x
