Monday, October 20, 2008

Nel's graduation

In the past, I could never understand parents who made such a big deal about their children's graduation, particularly children graduating from kindergarten! I thought the parents were "kiasu", crazy and made it too big a deal. i mean, come on! it's just kindergarten for pete's sake!
i used to tell them relax, there's like 12 years of school and at least 4 years of college to go!

Well...I used to think that way, till my own Nel had a graduation ceremony of her own in kindy, just this last weekend. haha.....

So there I was, an over excited mother, armed with her camera, dressed in Sunday best. We made sure to get there early, but ALAS! there were much much more over zealous parents who had booked most of the front row seats! darn I thought. Wink

Anyway..... so Nel and gang went up on stage to present a poem they had practiced for weeks! and she and her classmates also performed a dance item. I was definitely a proud mum. hahahaha....Daughter & Mother

And then, of course, came the "graduation" ceremony. hehehe...... and oh boy, I'm embarassed to admit that I became just like one of the other parents whom I'd criticized before. I stood up and cheered for my daughter as she received her scroll and teddy bear. I was also a very proud mum when she received the Best in Reading award. I took lots of pictures, and I'm even blogging about it! ( I know...I sound like a bragging mum now!)

I know, some of you are gonna tell me "big deal!" just like how I used to think of other parents.

Thing is I realise those parents were just cheering their children on. WHen I went to Nel's graduation ceremony, I just wanted to be there to let her know that I love her. I wanted to clap and cheer to let her know that everything that mattered to her, matters to me. I wanted to cheer for every little step she takes.

I suppose most parents do that. we boast about our kid's first smile, the first time they roll over, and crawl and take their first steps. Kindergarten is also another step, and so I continue to cheer her on. So bother if people are gonna think I'm "kiasu" or whatever.....hehehe.... We even took her to Burger King to celebrate! hahaha...

*for G, literally translated "kiasu" means, afraid of loosing. Like most mums are "kiasu" and they make sure they send their kids for tonnes of classes so that their children do better than other kids."

1 comment:

  1. it's quite natural for parents to take pride in and boast about what their children do. congrats to Jo on her graduation! :)
