Thursday, July 3, 2008

continued from last post..

today Nel came back and said excitedly "mum, I did well in my Chinese spelling test. Some of my friends didn't even know the words. And mum, do you know why I did well? because this morning, daddy woke up early and taught me those words. My daddy can teach Chinese so well! " She said it, like a daughter so proud of her dad's ability. Dumb that little effort of my hubby to spend that bit of time with Nel meant the world to her. Happy

How the miracle took place? I don't know. Well, perhaps it's because of the prayer I said last night. BEfore going to bed, I prayed
"Lord, teach me to be a more patient mother...give me wisdom to guide my children when I don't know how to, teach me to have unconditional love and to love them for who they are, and not what they do."

I prayed that earnestly last night...

Anyway, yeah, I popped by the library today and chanced upon this book by Tony Humphreys "Self-Esteem: The Key to Your Child's Education." I've now just managed to go through one chapter, but it really is a good book. Here, in just the first chapter I found some really good stuff...let me quote them here..

Success and failure in themselves have no effect on a child's motivation to learn, but the reactions of parents, teachers and other significant adults to success and failure can have a devastating effect.

Parents need to encourage children in their efforts to master an activity. What counts is the effort and NOT the performance.
Parents who put too much pressure on children for academic performance unwittingly damage the child's self esteem.
Parents who are overly protective/hands off, can undermine children's belief in themselves.
The Self-esteem of the child is affected by the parents' relationship with each other. The child who regularly witnesses openly hostile or silent hostility between parents can become chronically insecure.
That's about the gist of the first chapter. Now it's off to snooze land, will continue reading tomorrow. Semester begins, and thus my lecture begins next week. I will be busy busy busy again. but no complains, i thank God for this job, coz it brings in the additional income which I really need.


  1. If the mountain were smooth you couldn’t climb it. Maybe that should be, "If raising children were easy, it couldn't be done and wouldn't be interesting."

  2. Good prayer, my friend. God honored it.

    The "shot" is starting to help. I have more mobility than I did. It can take up to three days to take effect and that will be tomorrow. I hope it continues to improve so that pt won't be more painful than it has to be!

    blessings to all, a.g.

  3. Well! it's turn out be a good ones,
    Your hubby helps to Nel the father and daughter that very warm story to know, I think you were worry too much perhaps over react yourself?
    Do you best for your precious children that all parents can do it.You're super zuper mum lol!
    You have great weekend,

  4. Heyy, u cow! u spelled my name wrongly larr....jeanNE.tsk tsk. Aunty Siew Yin is going to be sooo proud of you!!Nel is learning CHINESE!!I'm terrible at it.Usually get B's or C's.HAih...
    Yeah, holidays were FUN.Eh, dere IS ALOT of hermit crabs.Like,as much as the sand on de beach, provided u go to the right spot.=P we saw quite a few different things ryte? like the shark, crab, horseshoe crab,seasnake..well...u have to walk away from the crowd then you'll find lots.where the crowd is theres oni sand and seawater.Oh, but jellyfish everywhere oso got larh, dat wann.Oh ya, de penyu is at a turtle centuary not far from de hotel.You can camp there at night to watch for turtles too.But we've nvr tried dat tho.For more info u can ask my dad, he'll talk non stop...btw, de food is DEE-LICIOUS!
