Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My moronic dog who spoilt my day

so the hand-foot and mouth disease has finally gone. yahoooo...........................

but truth be told, I'm drained out, and a little down in the dumps. it's from the lack of sleep. Somehow, Jo's still been waking up at least 3-4 times a night even though the ulcers have subsided. Yesterday, I was just getting so cranky and feeling so down we decided to all go for a walk.
So the children and I and Camel (our dog) headed for a walk. Nel decided to hold Camel's leash. While walking, Nel saw a coconut tree and started counting the coconuts on the tree. At that moment, she forgot Camel. Camel saw his chance of escape, and dashed as fast as his legs could carry him. And mind you, Camel who jumps like a pogo stick is also a very very fast runner.
Nel ran after him, which spurred that wicked little dog to run even faster. I screamed "STOPPPPPPPPP" so loud the neighbours came out to look. Of course, nobody helped me catch Camel. So there went my peaceful walk. I walked fast, furiously, calling very loudly after Camel, and my idiotic dog, having caught the scent of another dog's pee, was fast on it's track. He didn't give a hoot to my call.
Then the rascal went further down the road and took a turn. AT that moment, I looked at my children trailing behind....and thought, "Camel or the kids? Camel or the kids?"
Darn, of course, it would have to be kids first. So I walked back to the kids, muttering curses under my breath. I lifted JO with one arm, and in my anger uttered certain words to Nel which I regret till now.
So with that 12 kgs in my arm and another one crying behind me, we continued our search for Camel. TUrned the corner and saw that scent maniac still sniffing the sidewalk and pillars. He sneaked looks at us from the corner of the eye, less we catch him and cut short his freedom.
I was almost to him when he ran again all the way to the next turn, nearing a busy road where cars were zooming by. I thought, he's either gonna die, or get lost, can't keep up with this chase. Finally, prayed a little....and then decided to squat. I sat there, called him....and to my relief, he decided he loved his master (me) more than whatever dog who's scent had attracted him. phew....

we walked home.... Nel ahead, wounded from my words. Bad mother i am......

Finally I decided I had to undo my words...had to let pride go. I sat down under the tree, and called Nel to my side. Reluctantly she came. We talked about the meaning of Responsibility, a new word for her. and blah blah blah.....and i kinda apologized. In the end, I gave her one more chance to handle CAmel's leash.
At that moment, the coy neighbour's cat, the one that loves to irritate Camel decided to come by. Of course, that dumb dog succumbed to the lure of the cat and barked like a moron, while trying to break loose from his leash. When will he ever learn not to give in, for his barking surely gives pleasure to that cat who was smiling wickedly. Well, Nel passed the test this time, for she held on to that leash with all her might and told Camel to keep quiet and sit down.

All in's so tough after sleepless nights and tiring days to keep cool. It's so easy to get angry and say things that hurt. It's so easy to hurt those you love most.... God forgive me when I become the mother I do not want to be. Well.....ok....time to go. I'm hoping for better sleep tonight.....


update... Nel had a long fish bone lodged at the very back of her throat, the dumb GP said "no bone, can't see a bone." Found myself on that traffic road to Aunt Pauline's clinic again in OUG. That terrific doctor....she got that bone out. She's just a FANTASTIC doctor.

Nel's paintint of a fish

Nel's painting of herself. See the spots on the mouth? she said those are the ulcers which were in her mouth when she had the HFM.


  1. My poor, dear friend. I do pray that you remember you are forgiven and will forgive yourself. Also, that you have wonderful sleep. hugs, a.g.

  2. u know one thing i really REALLY appreciate and love about my mum is how she is able to apologize if she'd said something hurtful or if she were wrong. this taught me to do the same if i were wrong, and taught me humility and i saw that it takes a much more mature and wise person to admit one's mistakes, rather than be prideful. i respect her so much more for that! so, well done!
