Monday, May 5, 2008

Kenny G

the kids still have it, Nel has not been to school for 4 days now. Knowing the schooling system here which gives kids 2-3 homework each day, there will be TONNES of homework for her to do once she's back in kindy. *sigh*

She's got ulcers on her lips still, and as for Jo, she's much better. Her statement yesterday was "mum, i've got blood on my tongue!" but today she said "i'm ok already mummy." but on looking into her mouth, there were still some small ulcers at the back. We're all tired of being cooped up at home and patience is running low.

Anyway, 2 weeks ago before this whole HFM thing started, hubby had bought me a surprise ticket to Kenny G's concert in Gentings. The last time he was in Malaysia some time in 1990, I was there too. :) Back then he was very popular and lotsa people were crazy about him. Now...he's so so.

Still hubby's idea of a surprise night out was REALLy nice. :) Well the drive took about an hour and half. The concert was enjoyable. I told hubby how Kenny G liked walking in from the back of the auditorium, and true enough, he did that, surprising and thrilling the audience to bits and pieces! haha... Anyway, can't believe how crowded Genting is, even on a fri night. People have too much money to throw away? (for my friends abroad, Genting is a highland famous for it's Casinos and Theme parks)

Well, photos are in hubby's phone. I've not downloaded them yet. However, we did queue up like crazy people (hundreds were in line!!!) to get his autograph. and here's the proof...hehe....

For today...I'm gonna attempt making home made ice-cream. Will let you all know how it turned out. Blessings..


  1. Cool! Kenny G must have been amazing! :D

    I missed so many posts but I read them all! I hope the HFMD thing has mellowed down and Nel's better!

    Those drawings which Jo made were so cute! Loved them! :D

  2. Hi Hearts,
    Poor your children has ulcers in their mouth..I wondering a little a bit of pressure from home works?
    my G-daughter's has all the times
    because she would likes to everything right in her way..
    sometimes nuisance though even we think alright but she is not happier...
    Kenny G, I likes him very much.
    You better send me some your home made ice cream by air lol!
    Big Hugs,

  3. AWW MAN!! KENNY G!!!! so jealous!!! :)

    hehe.. ya. my parents know lar. seem like those of us who grew up in YC under uncle Mike cannot get his voice out of our heads when it comes to BGR business (haha.. scary conscience with uncle mike's voice). so ya... i told them before we started officially going out.

    i'll be back in june. 2nd week i think. i reckon RM10 per class is fair. or 1 month RM40 private / RM35 group? compared to the art schools around subang and pj i think places like art attack and the one academy's kids program charge over RM120 per month. i'll recheck their prices and let u know. i'm considering working part time for the one academy so i'll let u know when i find out their prices for sure :)

    anyway, ya.. i got to chuch here. it's a small church la. nothing like fga. it's called Christian City Church. it's actually a branch of the CCC in australia. so ya.. i go to an aussie church in america. so weird rite ;D

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