Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Abstract Art by Nel

Nel's been bugging me for art lessons. Currently she goes to ballet. I suppose if her interests in art is stronger than ballet, we will switch her to art by next year. Still ballet is good....mainly for her to learn working/dancing as a group, memory of sequence (dance steps), confidence etc etc etc.

She's always doodling, and coming up with rather abstract stuff... if not that, then she's into building blocks or stories. She's always asking strange questions and has interesting thoughts which she comes up with every now and then. Anyway, she drew this today. If you can tell it's actually a face with an alien kinda nose :) and some very abstract patterns in the middle. :)

Anyway, it's a long weekend this week, and I'm looking forward to it. Will be heading out of town for an adventure. God bless and have a lovely rest of the week. :)


  1. I hope you have a wonderful trip and that it is very cool there for you. I can't imagine living in perpetual summer! hugs all around, a.g.

  2. i don't mind doing some part time kiddy art when i'm back for bout 3 months :D if u'd like of course :) it'll be funner if it wasn't 1 to 1 though.

    anyways, thanks for the advice. i think the floating-in-the-clouds season has come and gone. now is the how-can-my-regular-bodily-cycles-embarrass-me season. hahaha!!! u know..... 2 people can only hide and hold in their burps and farts from each other for this long before it all comes out XD
