Friday, April 25, 2008

third child...yes or no?

Another week's gone by...time goes by too quickly. Starting mid year, my schedule will be doubly busy with more teaching assignments far from home . Though part of me dreads the thought of travelling and spending more time away from home, from my children, I will give thanks. One, because i know, while I'm working my children will be in good hands with my own mum. Second, because recently due to all sorts of unexpected events, my bank account has taken a sharp dip, and when I prayed about it, these job offers came. So I will give thanks. :)

Anyway .... other than that, while going through physio this week, the therapist mentioned the dreaded subject, the subject of the third child. Why is it, soooooooooooo many people are asking me to have a third child? My in laws bug me, my mum's friends bug me...almost everyone except my parents. phew, thank goodness they don't.

Do you know all my in laws have 3-4 children? do you know all my nieces and nephew in laws have also 3-4 children? On hubby's side, i'm the only one with 2. Lips Are Sealed

This issue has been bugging my mind like crazy coz I'm not getting younger...and time is ticking.

Reasons why I should have no. 3 ...
1) everyone says I should try for a boy. (What is the probability of getting one????)
2) The older folks tell me when they hit 50's and 60's they look back and regretted not having more.
3) hubby wants one more
4) It might get quiet around when the children all go to school
5) perhaps out of 3, one might be willing to look after us when I am old? haha..

Reasons NOT to have no.3
1) Increased expenditure, less money to go round
2) Go through TERRIBLe pregnancy again with horrible morning sickness
3) All teaching jobs will be affected again
4) Go through the dreaded C-Section again. I hated it and the pain after!
5) Go through post partum depression again
6) Sleepless nights all over again
7) no freedom to do as I like still... meaning travel...and possibly studying again...

See...the reasons for NOT far outweighs the reasons to have. That's why I can't bring myself to it. But on the other hand....I'm beginning to coo at and admire other people's babies... I'm thinking, if I want one i have to have it now.... I just can't make up my mind.......... just can't. So I wish people would stop bugging me about this for a while.....

Anyway, after all that here's some humor found on . Michi, I hope you won't mind these jokes? coz some taken from Japan. Just thought the translation of words here are funny. :) Have a good weekend everyone. :)

No thanks...err...but out of curiosity, is his urine sweet or sour?

this one makes me dizzy reading..

Perhaps this one parents should buy for daughter's boyfriends.

no thanks, i don't think slipping is good at all

ok, but how do I know if my refrigerator is anxious?

yeah...I won't.....can feed with other people's ?


  1. If God hasn't put it on your heart than it is not meant to be, H. Most women coo and love to smell a baby's sweet head. That doesn't mean we need to have one!

    Whatever God tells you that is the right answer.

    My nieces are so artistic! I can't believe the detail in Jo's pictures. Bells is a long way from there. It is thought that she has sensory processing disorder. She meets with a developmental interventionist and an occupational therapist. There is some progress! Pray!!

    Hope the rain lets up soon. hugs, g

  2. Hi Hearts,
    This third had talked about once before?
    One way you can said Yes I would like to have...but as you said A LOTS OF a responsibility for new baby..
    But Your hubby wanted it one more.. You both workout which is
    best for your family.
    wait hear from near future....
    Love Michiko

  3. From all your pro and cons, sounds like having a third child is a no no if you are comfortable with hat you have now. I too was asked about it and at least that I have 2already, I don't feel the pressure of having another one. I used to feel it when I had no kids yet. Now, i will just tell them, let's just see. What ever it is, it must be what you want and not what other people want because when you have trouble with your children, they are not going to come and help will be the one facing it.
