Monday, March 10, 2008


Well, the election has come and gone...was my first time voting. thought, I had to do my part as a citizen of this country...
The results are out, and really, it's just mind blowing, the way the results have turned out. :) the people have spoken, the message is clear, and I just pray that things in this country will start to improve. HOpefully the opposition will carry out the things they've said. Otherwise, I suppose things will swing the other way again in 2013. Nuf bout that. (<<-- go here to read more about it.)
Some updates on ze kids.

Jo's still strong headed as ever. I'm finally REALLY trying to wean her. The last few attempts were half hearted I didn't want to loose that special bonding that comes with nursing. I've refused most of her requests for mummy's milk...and she kinda understands. Although she still begs for JUST one...and so I give in to just one.

There's mixed feelings in weaning.... first it's relieve that the sleepless nights will soon come to an end. Currently she wakes about twice a night instead of the usual 5-7 times. On the other hand...there is a tinge of sadness that she's no longer a baby...the baby that snuggles close to mama several times a day to be very close to mama. She loves to go off on her own to play now. However, the bonding which nursing brought about is still strong. Even when playing on her own, she returns every now and then to give me a hug, or say "I love you mum." :)
One drawback is, it is so VERY difficult to make her sleep nowadays. With nursing, that little girl is sedated in a very short time. Without nursing, it takes almost an hour to put this little monkey to sleep. She's very active.

Also, little Jo's imagination is very vivid and wild. The other day, I was about to just drop on the bed after a tiring day when she shouted "DON'T SIT!" I jumped up and asked "What????"
Jo replied "There's an ostrich on your bed, don't sit on it!"

oh well...blah blah blah. Nel's coping well in kindy. She loves it, and the teacher loves her. :) She's still struggling with the Chinese language.... but excels in all other subjects. ok, will end here....

or the kids will grow very wild soon without my supervision. :)


  1. Ostrich on the bed!! LOL :D
    Jo's imagination is adorable Hearts! :)

  2. Ah, motherhood. Your girls are precious. a.g.

  3. Hi Hearts,
    It normal for second child had more activity than first ones.
    You should be an appreciated it for such a clever little girl...
    My little Millie's has growing fast 250 gram has gains of her weight for a week ha ha ha...
    Have a peaceful day,
