Monday, March 24, 2008

Super Moth

COnversation with Nel today:

Nel: Mum, why can't my dolls and teddy bear talk like the ones in the story book and cartoons?

Me: coz, that's all imaginary, they're only in stories and on TV, they're not real.

Nel: Mum, is someone watching us on TV?

Me: Why do you ask that?

Nel: well, we watch people on TV all the time, so surely someone else must be watching us on TV.
Conversation with Jo while reading a book on farm animals:

Jo: Look mum, baby cow likes to drink mummy's milk, and baby Goat likes to drink mummy goat's milk.
(Jo turns the page)
Jo: Look mum, baby chicks like to drink mummy chicken's milk.

Me: No, Jo, baby chicks don't take mummy chicken's milk. they eat grains. Look at this Jo, the mama chicken can lay eggs! lots of them.

(Jo looks....and after a moment says)

Jo: Jo cannot lay eggs. ....... but Jo can Eat Eggs!!! yummy. :)
(Jo turns the page to look at a picture of a lady milking the goat)
Jo: Mum, why is the lady.....why is she pulling the the..... the...... the....... the............ milk?

Me: She's milking the goat, when she pulls the milk comes out.

Jo: (thinking hard...) Mum, is it pain? Is it pain when the lady pulls it like that? Smile

Anyway, today we met a Super Moth! Actually this Super moth came by our house last night and hovered around the porch light.

This morning, while driving the kids to school, I looked in the rear view mirror to see Super Moth stuck to the back window! I told the girls "Look, the moth is stuck on the glass!" The girls got REALLY excited!!
After 10 mins of speeding down the highway, it WAS STILL THERE! "Wow," I said in a screechy high voice pretending to be the moth, "I wanna go school, I wanna go...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is fun!! wooo hooooooooooo"

Then the moth started sliding slowly towards the edge of the car. I told the girls to say goodbye to it, but Super Moth decided to hang on!!!!!! and it DID!!! I dropped the girls, drove back another 20 minutes, and the moth was STILL there stuck fast on the back glass! Simply Amazing! So I grabbed my camera, and then proceeded to see if I could get it into a glass container. That's when Super MOth decided to say adios, and it flew off. I admit, I missed it when it left, for it sure created a super morning for us all. haha...

Dear Moth wherever you are, I hope you don't end up as bird's food.
now I must go google Moth to find out about it's amazing ability to stick on glass through wind, turns, bumps and brakes. It must be an adrenaline junkie!

Super Moth
Super Moth on edge of car, but hanging on tight.

Pretty aint' it?

Close up of its beautiful wings


  1. Hi Hearts,
    WOW! nice music on to welcomeD=
    It was just beatiful entry of yours
    as usual:-)and your super moth pic
    is good shooting too.
    I think the best time with childern ages were when they were younger then you can't said that either, You are super Mum!
    I love to read about your children such a sweeti age xxxooo

  2. Heyy.How'd u get my blog site and even know i made one??? =)Hai ya, now cannot write bad stuff already, after report to mum....Danelle and Jodie are soo cute larr!!!!

  3. Eh, did my comment get published??( the last one)haihz..nvm.Danelle and JOdie so cute larr..LOLS..U spying on me???NOw cannot write bad stuff adi, after report to mum!!! =)

  4. That moth is huge! I can see where it gets its name from. It would probably freak us out around here. Now, if it was a butterfly...that would be a different story.

    I love the way the girls think. They are so intelligent. Bless them and you and Tenor in Residence. auntie g
