Monday, March 31, 2008

1st day De-Tox

There's a crazy fad going around now, and it's De-tox! yeah, it's something my friends, (which means 30 somethin's and older) are talking about and doing. I never thought I'd get to this stage, but (sigh) i finally have.

Anyways, i went to Cheryl's new pharmacy, called CHERYL PHARMACY yesterday... a Truly unique experience. It's like stepping into a cozy home with all sorts of interesting products which make you feel like you've gotta buy buy buy. Nothing like the boring medicine smelling pharmacy you find outside. You've gotta go there to know what I mean. ANyway, yes, so I bought bought bought...... am especially happy with the organic shampoo which has a lovely aroma and brings this cool, clean tingly feeling to my scalp. Also happy with the yogurt maker. :)

And yes, I was persuaded to buy Juvanex, a detox program. I think I need it for lotsa reasons....
So I started that today. Anyways, it says in the booklet, "to maximise the effect, try to follow eating suggestions inset." So I looked at the suggestions and it said "Day 1 and Day 2 - fruits every 2 hours." "Day 3 and 4 add vegetables to fruits."
I thought...that sounds easy, and went and bought a WHOLE lot of fruits.

So today, I started. Juvanex in the morning followed by fruits. ........ but err....... my stomach wanted more........ I thought a bit of wheat bread won't hurt, and I had that. Then came lunch....... and I had more fruits...dragon fruit, pears and grapes. I drooled as i watched my children swallow their rice, vege, chicken and potatoes....... *drool Drool* and began to wonder if I'd survive this, just one day. Sick

I've to disappoint you by admitting that when Jo couldn't finish her drumstick, I reasoned that food should not be wasted, so I helped her finish it. hahaha..... Money Mouth but ok, it was just 2-4 bites.

Then I decided to take my mind off food, go swim. So swim we went. and after the swim, I was totally LONGING for food, esp a bit of meat...not pork or beef, just some good fish. I love fish. I stole some cereal from my kids and went home and had more fruits. Frown

so I decided to read the booklet again, and to my relief saw, "a small portion of brown rice with vege soup" is allowed. ahhhh.... that was a tremendous relief!! Lol That concludes my first day of detox. I feel ok, not tired or grouchy as they said some might feel. However, I do feel a little hotter than usual, so I've got my air conditioning running at full force.

Let's hope I survive the second day without breaking too many rules. I suppose I want to follow it as closely as possible to get max results and also hopefully to loose some weight. I still need to get rid of that post pregnancy fat, which seems to have become "permanent deposit" around my waist line.

Anyway, one thing i learnt today, i probably can never be vegetarian. haha...


  1. =D Um..I dunno whether we're going for churh sports day and taking part...feel lazy larr.Then have to faster start training...fat already and long time no go swimey already.Thanks for cheering.Was soo exhausted later cos i swam an extra lap.haihzz... btw, I dun have a hp..=)

  2. Hi Hearts,
    You were doing Detox program ha ha
    I'm sure it working with you because you don't eat food LOL!
    then how much you can keeping it up
    all useless foods.....
    You are lucky to not dream about yummy foods...
    It's very hard to loose fat from waist line ha ha ha
    Keep smiling!

  3. Aww, and i guess, i can never be a non-vegetarian :D

    I missed couple of posts.. was quite busy and caught up with work..

    Those cookies in the previous post look amazing *droooool*
