Friday, January 18, 2008

strong will

Of late Jo’s been a really strong willed child. I suppose that’s not altogether a bad characteristic. She’s probably going to be very goal orientated, focused on things she does…which is already apparent in some of the things she does.

Only thing is…sometimes it gets overboard. I feel that as a parent, I cannot give in to her every whim and fancy …and sometimes she has to learn that things will not always go her way.

Yesterday for instance,…. Were were ready for nap when Jo said “mum, move away, Jo wants to wipe the bed.” I thought move???? Alright, so I got up and moved away. As soon as I moved away, she began crying (her VERY high pitch cry…which sends blood rocketing into my head so it pounds…) and said “Mum, I want you to come back now. Back to this bed!”

I decided this was one of the times I had to “teach” her that she cannot always have her own way. So I told her firmly “mummy is staying right here. You told me to move, I moved.” What proceeded was ONE hour of screaming and insisting that I move back to the bed. It was so difficult. I felt like my head was gonna burst. Finally after 1 hour, she calmed down and said “sorry mummy.....sorry” And she came by me and settled down. Phew………..

Some other incidents….after finishing her potty…she says “mummy flush.” As soon as I’ve flushed she cries “Why mummy flushed? Jo wants to flush, why mummy flush? why mummy flush?” and starts with her crying again. I get so frustrated. Sometimes I just let her be and leave. I tell her "when you’ve done crying, you come to mummy". She’ll come crying….and screaming! Hahaha….

Sometimes if it’s reasonable, I give in. She’s been like this for 2 weeks now. I’ve no idea why….I hope it’s just a passing phase, coz it’s tough. Nel was never like this, always easy…though mischievous.

Can you believe it, we’re only in 2nd week of school, and she’s been already punished 3 times! Well, twice it was the boy next to her who started it, but she reacted and so got punished too. The third was when she got caught playing with water in the toilet. Haha….. but she’s like that. I dropped her off at her Chinese class yesterday, and typical her, while all the kids walked obediently in, my little Nel had to go hide behind a teacher’s car so they had to look for her. Then she pops out and shouts “boo!” ah, that mischievous streak. Life is fun with her. :)

Any suggestions for Jo? She was such a good baby...just till 2 weeks ago. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. what Jo is doing is quite normal..but like fergus ,she has been so good until now .Fergus has tried to be the boss around here lately too :-(
    be consisitent in how you deal with her and don't make threats that cannot/will not be carried out.YOU are the BOSS remind her how you love her but do not like bad behaviour know all this just have confidence in yourself it will all pass :-)
    love and blessings
    sandra x
