Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Nel's First day at Kindy

Well...finally Nel is in kindergarten. She will be 6 in May and I figured, better let her have one year in kindy before she starts standard (grade) 1 next year. As mum, I admit I was a little anxious. Some of my friends laughed at me...coz to them it is no big deal. They say their kids are "professionals" at attending school already, coz they've been in kindy since 3 or 4 years old.

Well, I've held my girl back, teaching her myself when I wasn't working. but the years of holding back have finally come to and end...and yeah, it's time now to let my child go out to a real school.
Funnily, she kinda felt sad too. I guess, we have some pretty strong bonding between mum and child. :) and the years spent at home have been worth it, coz she's really close to her little sister too.

One day before school began, she looked seriously at Jo and said "Jo,...che-che (sister) is going to start school already.....are you going to miss me? I'm going to miss you." I thought that was pretty touching. Well, as mum, my prayers have always been that my daughters would love and care for each other.

Anyway, day one came, and she and cousin Lyd went together. :) they had so much fun. :) Yeah, she totally enjoyed it. Only thing is she sits next to a boy who has lotsa bad words in his mouth. but since Nel has been home with me all these years, she knows she's not supposed to say certain words. So when she came home she said "Mum, you know, I don't like J. He sits next to me. and today he said "stupid"."
I said "what did he say Nel?" coz she was whispering the word. hehe...
Nel replied "he said the "S" word..."

Well, we talked about it, how to deal with it... and bla la bla....
ok...gonna head to bed now. I'm used to waking up a little late, coz I sleep late. but with recent early mornings everyday...i'm tired. *yawn*

ohhhh and update on Jo, she started potty training, and she got it right on the first day itself. :) so now I get to safe up on diapers! hooray. :)
goodnight folks.............and here;s to tomorrow. cheers.


  1. sounds as if 2008 is going well for you ..nel in 'kindy'and jo using the potty ..lol fergus did well getting out of nappies a while back in the daytime, but still wets his nightime one :-(
    your Nel is a wse one ,whispering the 'bad' words..ha ha ..children are such fun to teach and you did well to keep her with you at home.Fergus will go to playgroup after easter ,I think a bit too soon really ..but others go sooner here in England .The sessions are around 2 1/2 hours ..a long time for a 2 year old ! says protective grandma :-)The new baby did not hurry up for me ..alas I am home again and the baby is not born ..Fergus did ask his aunt 'has the baby come out yet ?' ha ha ..he loves to ask questions over the phone and sounds so funny and serious : well i best get off to bed,like you I am suffering from early mornings & late nights ..lol
    all best wishe for 2008 ..btw I have given up on facebook ..couldn't get to grips with all the stuff on there ..sadly ..it is gone now I cancelled it all ..I am still on live spoaces though so nwill keep in touch .How could I not ,after akl this time of following your wonderful blogs .i am waffling now ..time to go !
    love and blessings to you all

    sandra x

  2. Awww. They grow up so fast...

    Hey Hearts.. Come by my blog.. Something major happened. I'm blogging at Msn again...

  3. Awww. They grow up so fast...

    Hey Hearts.. Come by my blog.. Something major happened. I'm blogging at Msn again...

  4. Sounds to me like you are a very good mum, Hearts. You used wisdom in keeping Nel home.

    Did you get teary eyed when you dropped Nel off? It happened to me!

    Blessings to you, g

  5. Sounds to me like you are a very good mum, Hearts. You used wisdom in keeping Nel home.

    Did you get teary eyed when you dropped Nel off? It happened to me!

    Blessings to you, g

  6. Hi Hearts,
    I'm glad you were happy to sent Neil to kider's and one way you
    've missed and worry about her too
    that's very common thing for mum.
    Jo's so cute that she must misses
    her che-che.
    I was worried so much when my son's went first time kinders LOL!
    All mother were same ha ha ha
    Your Q; I don't celebrate Chinese New Year.
    But some countryside in the Japan that they still celebrate too.
    Aren't you lucky to have ANOTHER 10 days holidays...
    Enjoy with your family,
    Watch out your weight LOL!!
