Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Before I forget...have to pen down some questions asked by Nel today...
1) Mum, when I get to heaven, if I ask God to sit with me on the train, will He sit with me?
2) Mum, if I'm naughty in heaven, will God punish me?
3) Mum, what color is God's clothes?
4) Mum, why is it you have to obey God and I have to obey you? is it, coz God is bigger than you and you are bigger than me? In that case, Daddy obeys God, you obey daddy, I obey you and Jo has to obey me right?

(I write it down, coz I print all this stuff for them to read in the future. :) )

Well, today I sent off a dear god-brother to the Phillipines to pursue a degree in Film making. Hope he'll cope well. Also spent the afternoon reading a journal I kept during one of the long trips across USA by Amtrak. I have to admit, I've changed so much since then. I had to laugh at some of the entries in that journal. Stuff like talking about my period, to running away from an expensive restaurant with friends, to crying after a friend shoved me while I was roller blading, and talk of peeing, pranks and some other crazy crazy stuff which I shouldn't relate here.

Just helps me realise that I shouldn't judge what young adults and teens talk about nowadays coz I was once like that. haaha...

soo...just rambling. I was again down with a bout of flue. This time my lungs were so congested i was wheezing (doc thought it was asthma, but it isn't). Then I had conjunctivitis. Well, my help came in the form of my little Nel. I told her I Was sick and she had to look after her sister, and she DID!

She kept Jo away from my room the whole day, told her to eat her lunch, kept her busy playing and reading and did all the things I would usually do. Amazing, coz Nel is only 5. I'm blessed. Today I'm much better. :Happy

well...tis all for now.

oh yeah...my sink was clogged again. I dug and dug to bring up eeky black seaweed like substance. yukkkk... still it remained clogged till evening when husband took out the whole pipe to find MORE of that seaweed like substance clogging the ENTIRE pipe! arrrghhh...gross. Must clean the sink with a regular dose of Sodium Bicarbonate.
Happy week and here's kisses to all of you.
Monkey Kiss


  1. Sorry to hear you have been sick again, Hearts. I hope you heal quickly.

    "Do not laugh at a youth for his affectations. He is only trying on one face after another until he finds his own." Logan Pearsall Smith (I believe that is the right name.) I memorized that a long time ago and believe it has helped me relate to young people.

    Bless you, g

  2. Ciao Hearts,
    Wow, it was so wonderful to see you stop in for a visit. I loved it so much from you.
    Yes, I too love Lighthouses. There is just such a peaceful and safe feeling for me when I see a lighthouse. Remings me of God and how God loves and keeps us safe in his loving arms.. what a peaceful feeling that is. A place of shelter.
    I loved reading your blog... ha ha, your little one sure asks some really important questions...and a bit funny as well.
    Everything is going well for me, feeling much better, and working everyday...what about you? How are you doing?
    Thanks again for dropping into say Hi, it was really great to see you my dear friend.
    Have a great day.
    God Bless you and your family.
    Hugs & Kisses

  3. Shall keep you in my prayers...yup it's a flu bug going around.

    You're a "handy mart" as well?:0)

    God bless...

  4. what a sweet family....wowow.
    and hose pics awesome
    thx for sharing

  5. Hi Hearts,
    I hope you were feeing better ..
    Your children asks so many question
    poor mum,you needed be very carefully to answer to them ha ha
    Nel's is good girl,another couple of year that she will help to cooking the dinner..
    Take care yourself,
    Michiko xxxooo

  6. Ciao Hearts,
    Hope that you are feeling better now..
    Just thought that I would pop in and say Hi.
    Wishing you a great week.
    God Bless You and your family.
    Hugs & Kisses
