Monday, October 29, 2007

Some random statements and questions by Jo and Nel

Nel: Mum, what is that bag of thing? (pointing to the pack of sanitary pads)

Me:'s's like diapers...where big women wear.

Nel: Why do big women wear diapers?

Me: Well..we only wear it once a month, coz ...coz... you know mummy's womb where you came from Nel? Well...when there's no baby there, the womb cleans itself out by releasing some blood. (I know, not very accurate answer right? too lazy to go into fertilization etc etc...)

Nel: (with a frown) Blood? (more big frowns...)

Nel: I see..... Mum? why is it, only mummys can have babies?

Me: Nel, it's not that only mummys can have babies. Anybody can, but when you have a baby, THEN, you become a mummy.


Today Jo decided to follow me into the toilet and climbed onto the toilet seat.

Jo: Mum, Jo want to pangsai, poop poop.

Me: ok, but take out your diapers. (Jo is not yet toilet trained.)

Jo: (with a serious finger pointing at me) Ok, but mum, please leave, go outside and leave Jo alone. Don't disturb Jo ok? Mummy go outside and play with your toys quietly. Rolly 1
(these are my exact words to her when she comes rushing into the toilet when I'm inside!)


Jo: Mum read the book please (Jo asks me to read books a hundred times a day I get so tired!)

So I read to her as she asked questions. Finally, I put my hands on the book and looked at her with a smile on my face and admiration and love in my heart and said "You're so cute Jo."

Jo frowned at me, pushed my hands and said with a frown "Move MUM! Don't block Jo's book."

so much for a little tender moment! hahaha


  1. Hi Hearts,
    It's good read about your children
    which I enjoyed, I don't think you don't need to worry about relax that you always having with your children ha ha ha
    I think you and I were luckey ones because we were enjoy with our family for JUST LITTLE THINGS :-)
    Hey! you going to be stuck one day
    from their question? ha ha ha
    Thank you for regular visits,
    Have a great week ahead,

  2. It is so good that you take the time to really see your children, Hearts. Bless you.

    I know about years going by waiting for prayers to be answered for children. I am still praying my dd comes back to Him.

    hugs all around, auntie g

  3. Read books a hundred times?Yes, dear mummy, count me in.I enjoy reading books to my daughter but sometimes she will ask me to read even when I'm snoring away...hahaha!I'd jolt out of my drowsy sleep and read to her grudgingly...;0)
