Saturday, July 14, 2007

growing old...a question

Yesterday....while heading to the playground, N suddenly asked "Mum....who's going to look after me when I'm old?"

I replied " I'm not sure dear.... it's too far away to tell..."

"But mum....will you look after me when I'm old?" asked N again..

"dear....when you're old...I might not be around anymore.." I replied..quietly.

"Why won't you be around mum?" asked N with a frown..

"N....people don't live on the earth forever...there comes a time when we must leave the earth and go to meet God in heaven."

"but mum.........." said N, beginning to cry..."but mum, I will miss you too much then. Don't leave me...what will I do?"

"N,... when you're old, maybe you'll have your own children, and they'll look after you.

"Who will be my children mum?"

"I can't tell yet dear.... and then your time will come too when you too will leave the earth..."

"Will I see God too mum?" asked N, still sobbing quietly..

"Yes, N... "

"but I don't want you to grow old...I will miss you....."

"Don't worry N, that's still a long way to go. So who will look after me when I'm old N?"

N replied "Of course, I will look after you mum. When you're old, I'll hold your hands and help you up the stairs. just like how you help us now."

friends...I couldn't help but let a little tear roll of my eyes when I heard that. SUch genuine love flows from the hearts of little children.


  1. what a sweet and thoughtful child .
    when our eldest was about 6 years old he said he was going to marry me and I could look after his babies when he got some ..because he would be busy at school
    memories are a great mum ,and the things your N says prove that
    thanks for your kind comment re the church roof theft ,it is a sad day when folk steal our roof for their own gain :-(


  2. Hi Hearts,
    I have told my G-children to the human life is take to turn to look after an older people...because I'm g-Ma to them that they watchs how their parents looks after me
    and other side of G-parents(daughter in law)Parents.
    Your N will find out soon who going to look after her ha ha ha
    lovely age just listen to her...
    Have a nice day,

  3. Ciao Hearts,
    Awww, that was such a sweet post that you added here today, made me have a tear roll down my cheek as well.
    What a heart full of true love... I wish that everyone could have the heart of children. It is so pure and full of such wonderful love.
    Thanks for posting this Hearts... made me feel so wonderful.
    Wishing you a great Sunday in the Lord today.
    Have a great week as well.
    Hugs & Kisses

  4. heart hurts a bit after reading this and the following post. Your children are so tender. The only way to toughen up N is to some how teach her that getting upset gives her "friends" power. Easy to say as neither of my children got it. Worth a try, though, eh?

    What is J's new favorite food? auntie g.
