Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sepang Gold Coast Beach

Have been on several short day trips recently... mostly nature trips.... I have this believe that part of my job as a mother is to get them to love nature places and to appreciate the beautiful things GOd has made.

Last week we went to the Sepang Gold Coast Beach (about 15 mins from the F1 circuit in Sepang). Someone told me that it was more like a swamp area.... Anyway, we went to check it out. What we found was major development going on. They're building chalets on water...

Anyway there were 2 main picnic areas. Ok, honestly my bro rated it the World's Worst Beach (and that's partly coz he suffered a deep gash in his feet after stepping on an oyster shell, pointing upwards, hidden in the mud. OUCH!!!) . .Anyway, i think it's a wonderful learning place for children. At low tide, the water recedes several kilometers, uncovering the muddy bed of the sea. Thus it became a learning site for the kids.

Some parts were so muddy, we found our feet sinking till mud covered our ankles. Lovely thing is the children found all sorts of muscles, lalas, cockershells, and even beautiful Sand dollars!

I was excited when I found the long sea worms. (That's what I call em.) It brought back memories of childhood. My dad used to be an avid fishing kaki. We went fishing at lakes, ponds and seaside. My job was always to hunt for worms for my dad. I remember digging through mud at low tide to hunt for these very long thin worms. So to see them made me so excited! I'm not sure if my kids were excited as me, but now they know you can find worms under the bed of the sea! haha..

WE also talked to a fisherman there. He told us that before the construction began he used to yield about 4 kgs of lalas (clams, muscles..) Now he's down to only about 1 kg. :(

Anyway....the sunset was quite lovely, and we bought some kites to fly....followed by a really delicous finger licking good dinner consisting of a variety of seafood...

Here's some pics...... A word of caution .....if your kids are going'll need lotsa sunblock, hat, and if you have boots better... coz i think bcause of the construction there...some bricks and stuff get buried in the mud. And bring lotsa water and a change of clothes.

The beach at low tide (notice how far the water receeds..caution, do not go too far out. Fisherman warned us, coz some people had been stranded on portions of the beach before when caught unaware by the rising tide.)

fisherman's son/grandson digging for lalas

L throwing sand into the sun

little Jo looking for her share of shells


nxt post will be on Kuala Selangor Nature Park (we were there just yesterday)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha The world worst Beach that I don't bleams for your brother's complained because he has hurts himself lol!
    I think your dad was a good fishman that you job to help for him to get a worms....
    Your little angel slept very well that night from the sea?
    Did you cook all the shells?
    It should be nice to eat?
    Those pictures are beautiful ...
    I really enjoy coming to visit your space my friend.
    Take care,
