Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nel my caring child

For some of you who’ve read my old blog, you’d remember this story I once wrote about the time just before I gave birth to Jo (3 years ago now!).

It was way past midnight and I just could not sleep because I found it difficult to breath and I had terrible back aches. So I went to the bedroom sofa and just sat there. Nel woke up. Realizing I wasn’t on the bed, she asked “are you ok mum?”

I explained to her why I wasn’t sleeping. She went to the bed, grabbed a few pillows and brought them to me. “Here mum, put one behind your back. Do you feel better now mum?” she asked caringly. She passed me two more pillows and told me to put it under each arm, and then brought me her tiny stool and told me to put my foot on it to rest.

Then she asked very gently “do you feel much better now mum?” I felt deeply touched by her actions and thoughtfulness. She climbed right by me and asked “can I stay here with you mum?” I nodded my head, and she fell asleep with her little head resting on my shoulders, her hands holding mine.
That was Nel at age 3.

She’s still the same very caring person. Only thing is that she’s now 6. With that comes a whole load of new emotions which sometimes seem a little overwhelming for her. There are days she gets moody and easily frustrated. She gets upset when she notices people whispering while looking her way, she gets very hurt if adults talk about her in front of her, she doesn’t like people laughing at her etc etc etc. However, she IS trying to cope with these reactions…and on certain days she manages to brush these feelings aside. But there are also days she gets hurt and stomps off or cries.

On the positive side, she is very caring and aware of other people’s needs. We still visit the retirement home once a month or once every 2 months. Though always a little shy at first, she eventually goes round holding the hands of the elderly folks there. I can tell you, they love her visits.

Then just yesterday, I had a major headache, more like migraine. Jo was the usual active self, disturbing me, pretending to be an owl and then a lion the next minute. Talking to herself letting her wild imagination run. Nel came in and told Jo to be quiet. Finally hubby decided to take both kids out.

Immediately Jo climbed on her daddy’s back, ready to go out. Nel however, lingered on a little…. She asked “mum…will you be ok here on your own? Are you sure you’ll be ok?”
I said “Yes, Nel I’ll be ok, you go enjoy yourself.”

Then she noticed that the bathroom door was open, letting the glaring light in. She asked “mum, would you like me to close the door and switch off the lights?” I nodded, and she closed the door quietly. She lingered on still a bit…. And then said “Mum, I’ll miss you…your hugs….”

I smiled and said “go with dad, he’s waiting. Enjoy yourself .”

She tiptoed out quietly, shut the door gently and went to the shops with dad.
(so emotional isn't she?......)

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