Thursday, September 20, 2007

Addtions to the family.

Wish I could tell you that I am pregnant with a new baby. but no, no, no. Am not pregnant, do not plan to get pregnant in the near future.... maybe in 2 years...maybe maybe.....

However, in a matter of one week, we acquired a dog and a rabbit and we have a terapin boarding with us as well. Nel ( and I) REALLY REALLY wanted a dog, and we were going around checking out Animal Shelters. Nel (meaning I) fell in love with a Schnauzer mixed with Terrier and asked to adopt that little fella. Unfortunately it'd just come in and was not ready for adoption, and they wouldn't allow us to place bookings. Well a volunteer happened to be there and took my number down. Two days later she called me to ask if I was interested in a rescue Poodle. It's pure bred, but kept in a small cage for an entire year by a cruel breeder.
The little fella's hair was all mangled up and he had weak hind feet due to being caged up. Well, after several visits to the vet..he was ready for adoption. And yeah, we took him in. :) He is simply adorable, REALLY active little fella who's really inquisitive and cute. :) We take him for long walks, so his legs have strengthened. He's so strong he actually pulled Jo flat onto her nose once when she held the leash. Thank God we were on grassy patch. Anyway...enough of stories already. By the way, we've named the poodle Camel.
Oh yeah, in the same week, my dear dad, not knowing of our intention to get the dog, decided the kids needed to have pets around and got us rabbits. Sadly one died within a few days. I guess, we're learning how to handle these little creatures. One survives, and his name is Tee-tee.


  1. My My!! What a cute poodle! Muaaah! I love pets! :)

    Hey Hearts! None of the guys in the trips pics is my BF! They are all people from my office :D In fact, there is only pic of me with my BF and no one has seen that except the two of us :D

  2. Awww...Camel? I love it!

    In Spanish, titi, which is pronounced tee-tee, is an endearment for aunt or uncle (tia or tio). We called our great aunts Titi.

    Things are going fairly smoothly hear. Himself is away and, sad but true, things are easier between the Boy and me and it is just the two of us.

    Hugs to the girls, auntie g

  3. sooooooooooo cute!! so sweet. so adorable! poor rabbit.. they die so easily. well, at least tee tee's alive. hey, do those rapidkl busses go to ur place?

  4. Ciao Hearts,
    It was great to see you stop in for a visit.
    Yes, I had a wonderful time visiting with my family in Canada. My Mom and Dad were so excited to see me, and spoiled me right to death.. ha ha... not that I minded it at all.. you know.. ha ha. I loved it. I hope not to take so long in going back for a visit again. Three and a half years was too long for them, so I will try to get back there again and not take so long. haha.
    I love your new babies...they are just so sweet. I am an animal, love, love animals. I keep telling my sweetheart that I want a baby kitten, ha ha. I am sure that someday I will also have a new addition to the family here. ha ha. I can not wait...ohhh how excited one gets knowing that they are going to get a pet sometime soon.
    Hope that you are having a great weekend with your new additions to the family. Congratulations Hearts...
    Love ya my sister in the Lord.
    Take Care and God Bless You so much.
    Hugs & Kisses

  5. Hi Hearts,
    I didn't know you were pregnant??
    I love the new baby at least you no need to have nappy ha ha ha
    as you know my son's has puppy..
    she was with me for last a weeks,
    In here still cold at night times
    there I kept inside in the home.
    on the tiles floor in the kitchens
    areas,she has black colour of hair that it seems loosing her hairs..
    otherwise I was very happy to having company ha ha ha
    The pets are very good for children that they can learn from
    a lots of things and they can takes resposible for them LOL!??
    Have a nice week ahead,
