Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Was my last post too depressing? Sometimes I fear too much don't I? I tend to think too much. Am I paranoid? or is it normal for mothers to think that way sometimes? tell me mothers...if you think I'm worrying for nothing, or if you sometimes feel this way too?

Anyway, here's something not depressing. :) Have you ever brought your child with you on a date with your husband? I have. Last valentines. It was a disaster. Coz while everyone else were a couple, we were FOUR! and while other couples were looking into each other's eyes, yeah, with that teary, glittery eyes that seem to gaze into eternity.... bodies hunched forward, fingers lightly touching...whispering sweet words........

there we were, the four of us!! Forget looking into my husband's eyes. All my attention were on the children less they should break some of the expensive plates and glasses on the dining table! Baby J had the spoons and forks clanging on the tables....which really spoiled the atmosphere..(I know, coz I had a few unhappy glares from couples nearby), N was chattering away and sometimes singing loudly....

Ooh, then the apetizers arrived. If you're a mum, you know the mess they make when they feed themselves!!! Aarrrghhhh..... the clean carpeted floor gradually turned yukky with bits of this and that which dropped from J and N's seats. (more nasty stares). Then the main course arrived. I had ordered this succulent piece of steak with creamy, slighty spicy special mushroom sauce topping. yummm....... the smell is.......arrghhhh....enough to make me salivate thinking about it now. So, smiling at my husband, I picked up my carving knife and fork...ready to take a bite of the steak...when N uttered these words "MUM, I WANT TO PANGSAI NOW!!..CANNOT WAIT ALREADY! Oohh...ahhh...........(while moving her bum to express the urgency of it all)." (translation: Mum, I need to poop now!)

urrrghhhhh.....after taking her to the ladies and cleaning her all up. That tempting piece of steak somehow, did not smell or look or taste as delicous anymore. Well, for one, I cannot even look at the sign "toilet" during meal times, let alone step into one. My imagination runs wild.

So next time, if it's valentines or anniversary, the kids will stay home with grandma!! and let me be the one to give nasty stares to other people who bring children. hahaha....


  1. how sweet ,taking jo & nel with you on a date . I would love to have seen the faces of the other diners when nel asked for the toilet during the

  2. Hey Hearts!

    Sorry for barging in but I couldn't help! Saw your comment on Sonia's post and here I am!

    Guess you remember me! I'm Divoo, the trouble bubble. :)

    I missed your poopy tales all this while!


  3. it is always a pleasure to drop by your corner are doing a great job raising your children and will reap the benefits when they grow up to be well balanced adults because they had you there when they needed you :-)

    love in Him, who knows all our needs

    sandra x
