Thursday, May 10, 2007

Conversation with N

N did well today. Her screamings and anger tantrums have somewhat lessened. Perhaps I too have changed my way of approach with her. I try more encouragement and it works with her.

Anyway, here's some bits of conversation we had today.... she took out her underwear from the drawer and asked "Mum, how do you know which is front and which is back?"
I replied " well, the shorter one goes in front."
N: Why mum?
Me: coz the bum at the back is bigger. :)
N: oh, yeah, that means we have 2 bum bums. One big one and one small one in front.
Me: No, we have one bum, the one behind. The one in front is just the shee-shee (peeing) area.
N: Yes, that's why I said we have two bum bums. One bigggggggggggg one for "pangsai" (pooing) and one smalll one for shee-shee.
Me: hahahahahahaha
N grins.
After a while we talked about dogs and cats. As we were talking I said "Uncle S's dog is lost. She got stolen."
N: Mum why did you say she? Did you know mum, dogs are boys and cats are girls??
Me: Why do you say that? actually there are male and female dogs and cats.
N: but dogs are rough so they are boys, and cats are soft like girls.
Me: N, in every species, well most species, there are female-girls and male- boys.

well...after some explanation she got it. Later when her daddy came home from work, she greeted her daddy by calling "Male...Male!!"
In the evening N was watching the cartoon Jonah and the Whale. In the cartoon God speaks to Jonah. N asks "Mum, I wanna hear God speaking. How come Jonah gets to hear God speaking so loudly but I can't? I want to mum. How do I hear GOd mum? I want to hear His voice."

I can't help but think, how earnestly she longs to hear God, how unquestioningly children belief and have faith. She truly has faith in our Living God. Oh to have faith like a little child. :)
time to end here...we just got back from a night swim. N's imagination went wild. After a while, she kinda freaked out...coz she started saying "I want to get out, I want to get out..mum there's a whale in the middle of the pool, and there's a turtle on the other side.!" Her imagination is really wild!
As for baby J, I got her to float on her back! yahoo... Just by telling her to look up at the stars. Yeah, somehow tonight, the sky was so clear with so many twinkling stars. Something I'd not seen in a long time. So J floated on her back, lightly supported by my hands, watching the twinkling stars. Lovely. I feel like sleeping now. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hearts,
    What a lovely story ...You are doing good jobs 99% perfect ha ha
    You were repeating to your children that what you mum told you when you were young age...
    After 20 years time...your childern tell her samething go on ...So beautiful that makes sure you said to them right thingsLOL!
    Have a wonderful mother's daywith your family 13th May.
    Lovexxxxx Michiko
