Monday, December 8, 2008

I had SVT (heart palpitation) again last weekend....this time hubby wasn't around. I tried some of the self physical maneuver the doctors have taught me, but it still refused to stop. After a while, I found that I started to see black if I stood up, and I was beginning to feel shortness of breath and numbness in my elbows and tightness in chest. Having no choice, I called my dad, and he rushed over to send me to the hospital. (3rd time this year.)

5 mins before we arrived at the hospital, it suddenly stopped. Still I asked to see the doctor. My blood pressure was still low and heart rate was still at about 130. In my previous SVT attack, my heart rate was at about 200plus. I was asked to lie down and rest till the heart rate dropped further and then I was allowed home. I have an appointment with a specialist this week. *sigh*

I've had this since teenage. But all these years, the episodes have been rare, perhaps once a year..and they last no longer than 10 minutes. But this year alone, it's occured 3-4 times, each time lasting longer. The one I just had lasted an hour. It's certainly not a comfortable feeling at all. Well, will see what the specialists say.

Anyway, this is my last week of teaching before I take a 2 week break. Can't wait. :)


  1. Ah, it must be painful Hearts! I hope that the docs treat it properly and you get well soon!

    Our trip to Miami was wonderful! Enjoyed every bit of it. San Antonio was good too but Miami beats it anytime. :)

  2. So much to catch up with here. I hate that you are having these episodes, H. I know what it feels like and it scares me terribly. Do you get scared? I am praying right now for you......

    The girls sound like delights. They have such definitive personalities. How I wish I could hug them!

    The adult students you speak of? Is this for piano lessons or University. One is never too old to learn, right?

    Spaces has been a disaster lately, H. The newest "upgrade" makes navigating so much harder. Are you able to do as many things here as on spaces?

    Hugs from far away but close in spirit, g

  3. That is shocked me, I remember a last time somewhere trip all family and you had the problrms?
    Please take care of yourselves...
    Maybe too much works?
    I thinking of you,
    Big Hugs,

  4. How are you feeling, dear sister? AG

  5. What's up, my friend? g

  6. Hey Jin Ai,

    Happy New Year! Hope you're feeling alright. What did the specialist say?
